If you have a dream about your ex hurting you the way he did the first time, or about your current partner hurting you the exact same way your first love did, then you're projecting your past experience onto your present one. Your current partner may be the type who would never cheat on you, but because your ex did, you're subconsciously expecting it to happen again. If your first love did something incredibly hurtful, such as cheating, then you are probably wary or even scared that other men will do the same thing to you. You're projecting your past love onto your current love.
Your subconscious wants to prove yourself to this person and make them realize they made a mistake by dumping you. If you feel as if your first love stopped acknowledging your worth at one point, then you might still have the desire in the back of your mind for them to see how far you've come and how much you've accomplished.