In Tales of Pirates, a persistent state endeavor from developer Moliyo, players have the opportunity to become swashbucklers in the gameworld made up of these three districts. To the southwest lies magical Succuba Rivage, where an advanced city devoted to manufacturing stands right in the middle of a vast sandy desert. However, having depleted the nearby resources, they depend on those from the Deep Blue area. It has two major settlements, which are centers of commercial and military activity with relatively high levels of technology.
Ascaron consists of one large continent plus assorted other isles.
As a result, they are unfriendly at best, and often hostile. In quite a few instances, these natives were driven deep into the jungle by adventurers seeking their abundant natural riches. Scattered across the sea surrounding them, many smaller pieces of land also rise above the waves, providing habitats for a variety of creatures and for aboriginals. The region known as Deep Blue includes three sizable islands called Spring, Summer and Autumn.